What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a holistic health care system where nature meets science.

Naturopathy recognises the healing power of nature present in all living things, including us!

As a holistic system, which means treating the whole person. It aims to promote and restore health by various natural treatment approaches. These include nutritional therapy, lifestyle advice, herbal medicine, food intolerance testing, homoeopathy, Bach flower essences, hydrotherapy, physical therapy, emotional wellbeing and other therapies.

The body has a natural ability to heal itself when it is supported and nurtured towards optimum health. Health isn’t just about the absence of disease it’s about creating resilience to be able to adapt to an ever-changing environment. Naturopathy is a system of medicine aimed at supporting the body’s natural self-healing process.

A Naturopath is focused on treating the individual and seeks to identify the root cause of illness, the factors which predispose, trigger and maintain the underlying causes of ill health, rather than treating the symptoms alone. It is a system approach to medicine rather than a symptom approach.

Naturopathy is a complete health system embracing the healing of the whole person.

Treatment plans are personalised to a person’s individual health and wellbeing needs.

A Naturopathic treatment session may encompass several therapies, such as Nutritional Therapy, Herbal Medicine, Functional testing, Nutrigenomics, or a combination of therapies based on your individual needs and preferences.

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For personalised advice and support for your own or your child’s health please book an appointment, I’d love to work with you.


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