10 Creative Ways to Get Kids to Drink More Water

As parents, we all know how important it is to keep our kids hydrated. However, getting them to drink water can sometimes be a challenge. Many kids prefer sweetened drinks or simply forget to drink water throughout the day. Fortunately, there are several creative ways to encourage your child to drink more water.

Here are 10 fun and easy ways to get your child to stay hydrated:

1. Make it a game

Turn drinking water into a fun game. For example, you can use a water bottle with markings on it, and challenge your child to drink to a certain level before the end of the day. You can also use a chart or a sticker book to keep track of their water intake.

Play a game: Get 2 pots or cups and some tiddlywinks counters or something small, lego men, marbles, raisins, it can be anything they like. Put all of the "counters" in one cup. Over the course of the day, everytime they have a drink they move one counter into the empty cup until by the end of the day the first cup is empty and the second cup is full. It's a great visual representation of their water intake and they love moving the counters! For most children, 8 counters is a good starting point.

2. Add natural flavours

Kids often prefer sweetened drinks, so try adding natural flavours to their water such as a squeeze of lemon or lime, sliced strawberries, cucumber slices or fresh mint to a jug of water to make it a special “cocktail”. Frozen berries work well too.

Get them to help you, they love adding all the ingredients.

This can make drinking water more exciting and flavourful.

3. Use fun cups

Make drinking water fun by letting your child pick out a special cup or bottle that they love. It can be a favourite cartoon character or a colourful design. This can make drinking water feel more special and enjoyable.

4. Make ice cubes

Freeze fruit juice or pieces of fruit in ice cube trays to make flavoured ice cubes. Add them to water to make it more exciting and refreshing. This can be a great way to add flavour without adding extra sugar.

5. Make it accessible

Make sure water is always easily accessible to your child. Keep a water bottle or glass nearby at all times and encourage them to drink from it regularly. This can help them remember to drink water throughout the day.

6. Use a straw

Kids love straws. This can make drinking water more exciting and motivate your child to drink more. There are some great eco friendly reuseable options available, I love the Boba straws as they are easier to clean!

7. Offer water-rich foods

Encourage your child to eat fruits and vegetables that have a high water content, such as watermelon, cucumber, and oranges. These foods can help keep them hydrated and make drinking water more appealing.

8. Set a good example

Children often learn by example, so make sure you are setting a good example by drinking plenty of water yourself. This can encourage your child to follow suit and make drinking water a part of their daily routine.

9. Make it a ritual

Create a daily ritual around drinking water. For example, have your child drink a glass of water before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This can help them get into the habit of drinking water regularly.

10. Create a water station

Set up a fun water station in your home or backyard. This can include a water dispenser, fun cups, and a variety of fruit slices or flavourings for your child to experiment with. This can make drinking water more fun and interactive.

There are many creative ways to encourage your child to drink more water. By making drinking water fun, flavourful, and accessible, you can help your child stay hydrated and healthy. So try out these 10 tips and see which ones work best for your family. Here's to a happy, healthy, and hydrated family!


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